Why am I here?
You likely have been referred to our specialty office because you need to receive endodontic therapy. Symptoms include pain, prolonged sensitivity to hot or cold, swelling or tenderness in the gum area, and tooth discoloration. The need for root canal therapy is mostly due to an infection or trauma (often from a cavity, large restoration, or fracture) to your tooth, which has compromised the health of the pulp tissue. Endodontic (root canal) therapy is performed to relieve your current symptoms and save a tooth which might otherwise need to be removed. If left untreated, you could experience greater discomfort and it could lead to a serious infection. The goal is to save your tooth rather than extract it, and with good reason. Missing teeth can cause bite problems, shifting teeth and jawbone loss. And the cost of an extraction, bridge or implant usually is more expensive than root canal treatment.
The therapy is accomplished by conventional endodontic therapy (removal of the nerve pulp tissue and the filling and sealing of the space that is created in the canal in order to relieve or prevent infection in the root of your tooth), or when needed, endodontic surgery (which involves cutting into the surrounding soft and bony tissue to access the root).
Why choose an endodontic specialist to treat me?
Experience – Dr. Temple has performed well over 100,000 individual endodontic cases over the past 20 years.
Efficiency – As these procedures are their sole occupation, endodontists are time efficient and precise. They are also able to accommodate emergency cases.
Technology – Their offices offer technological advancements such as surgical operating microscopes, digital radiography, lasers and The Wand anesthetic delivery system. These devices have dramatically improved the amount of success, precision, radiation exposure, discomfort, and time involved in the procedure.
Personalized care – Their expertise and caring can make root canal treatments more effective and predictable, generally equating to positive experiences and faster healing. Eighty-five percent of patients who have had a root canal performed by an endodontist would return to an endodontist for future work.
*American Association of Endodontists-Professional Outreach Kit
Root Canal Myths
To read about root canals myths and root canal pain, click here. Courtesy of the American Association of Endodontics.
First Visit
Your initial appointment will consist of a consultation, x-ray, and examination. We will explain our findings and determine your diagnosis and treatment options.
Time permitting, your procedure should take 30-90 minutes and usually in one visit. However, a complex medical history or treatment plan will require an evaluation and a future appointment for treatment.
Please assist us by providing the following information at the time of your consultation:
- Your referral slip and any X-rays
- Completed first visit forms
- If you have dental insurance, please bring your insurance card and any required forms (such as dental authorizations, referral forms, etc)
- Photo ID
- Form of payment
Scheduling and Emergencies
Our offices open at 8 A.M., Monday through Friday. Our customer care specialists are available to schedule your appointment and verify your insurance. True emergencies are seen promptly.
It is our goal to provide prompt service to all patients, especially those requiring immediate attention. Therefore, we’d appreciate a call if you will be more than 10 minutes late for your appointment. We also ask that you give at least a 24-hour notice when rescheduling or canceling an appointment. Failure to do so may subject you to a cancellation fee.
All our offices have on-call doctors available for after-hours emergency calls.
To schedule an appointment Click Here
Pre-Op Information
Your endodontic procedure will be performed using local anesthesia. Nitrous oxide and oral sedation options are available to maintain your comfort throughout the procedure. There are usually no restrictions after the procedure concerning driving or returning to work.
- Continue all medications for blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid problems and any other conditions as recommended by your physician. If there is a question, please call our office prior to your appointment.
- Please eat a normal breakfast or lunch as applicable.
- If you have been advised by your physician or dentist to use antibiotic pre-medication, please make sure you take this required medication one hour prior to your appointment time or as directed by your physician or dentist.
Post-Op Information
Click here to read Post-Op information.
A record of your treatment will be sent to your general dentist. Return to your general dentist for a permanent restoration of the tooth immediately, but in no case longer that 30 days. Then your tooth will likely function just like any other tooth for the rest of your life, ensuring comfortable chewing and a natural appearance!
Note: All patients under the age of 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.